PARENT MANUAL updated June 2019
Our goal is to provide extracurricular experiences that merge academic enrichment, enhanced social skills and unforgettable enjoyment.
The board members of Magic Minds, Incorporated fully accept the research that says that students lose academic acquisition during the summer break each year. Each summer, the M2 camp will reconvene the first full week after the last day of school for the appropriate district’s elementary students. Students participating in the summer camp activities will maintain continued academic progress, and/or attempt to reach grade level achievement during their matriculation at the camp. In the aftercare program, students will participate in activities that cater to retention of the skills they are being taught in the classroom.
The organization’s academic anchor will always be backed by certified educators who are passionate about the success of children.
Students will matriculate at the M2 camp for 6-8 weeks of the summer. Most camps are geared towards fun and excitement for students during their break from a yearly academic pursuit. Camps aspire to give students a chance to enjoy themselves, daily, for two months, before going back to rigorous academic instruction. We do not dispute the need for a “mental break” to have fun during the summer, however, it is also necessary recognize that many students lose valuable academic skills during the “mental break” of fun It is the goal of the directors that each student will maintain grade level skills, achieve grade level skills, or acquire skills that will propel them towards achieving grade level skills in the near future. All students will participate in 3 hour academic sessions at the beginning of the day. Lunch will follow, and afterwards, students will participate in fun activities including the off campus trips listed later in the plan.
In aftercare, students will complete their home assignments with the assistants of our professional staff members and participate in organized games and activities.
If immediate contact with the camp is needed, please take the following steps:
Step 1: Contact one of the directors personally via phone/text (text is preferred):
Step 2: Send an email to
Step 3: Call the site/school directly.
Please inform Magic Minds, in writing, of all changes to address and phone numbers. If your emergency numbers change, it is important that we are notified immediately to ensure proper notification of parents in case of an emergency. Also, please notify Magic Minds if you are going out of town; this allows us to quickly contact others on your emergency contact list if necessary.
Children must be signed in each day. Where applicable, electronic sign in is preferred. Please discuss exact arrival times with the site your child attends.
Children must be signed out before leaving the site, and they are only released to persons who are listed on the pick-up list (verified by state identification). Should a person arrive to pick up a child, and he/she is not listed on the pick-up list, the child will remain in the care of the organization until a person listed on the pick up list arrives.
In cases where electronic PINs are used, students will be released to a person who arrives with complete knowledge of the codes necessary to pick up the child. If ever, you feel your PIN has been jeopardized, please submit written notice to have it changed.
If your child will be leaving early, please notify the site director, in writing or via phone/text, on the morning of the designated day. The staff will have your child prepared to depart at your requested time. Remember that you will still need to sign your child out.
In the text include the following information: student name, upcoming grade, dismissal time, pick up person
Please check with your site regarding final pick up times. Late fees are added to the student account at a rate of $1 per minute. Habitual late pick up can and will lead to dismissal from the program.
If you know you will be late, please attempt to make alternate pick-up arrangements or contact the directors.Magic Minds should be notified if you foresee late arrival, as it is often stressful for a child when parents are late.
NOTE: When a child is not picked up in emergency situations including, but not limited to: inclement weather or natural disasters, we will follow the above “late pick-up” policy listed above starting 45 minutes from when the parent has been informed of the need for child/students to be picked-up.
No child/student will be allowed to leave by him/herself and / or sign him/herself out of camp/aftercare, regardless of written permission.
Please remember to dress your child appropriately for camp. We encourage you to dress your child in clothing that you do not mind getting dirty or stained with art materials in the course of your child engaging in a fun activity. Here are some other reminders of clothes for camp:
NOTE: Child/students who are not dressed appropriately may not be able to participate in all activities.
Each child/student will receive one Magic Minds T-Shirt for the entire summer. Additional shirts can be purchases for a fee of $10.00.
We do have a lost and found area at the camp. It is highly recommended that you label all items (clothing, towels, lunch boxes, water bottles, etc.) with your child's name. At the end of each week, we will display the found items, and then take any remaining items to Goodwill. Please make a quick check of your child's backpack at the end of the camp day before leaving. Lost items are much easier to recover on the same day they are lost.
Magic Minds, Inc. is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all child/students. To ensure safety and comfort for all, we ask individuals to act appropriately while they are in our facility or participating in a Magic Minds Aftercare and Summer camp program. We expect child/students to behave in a mature and responsible way and to respect the rights and dignity of others.
Our code of conduct does not permit language or action that can hurt or frighten another person or that falls below a generally accepted standard of conduct. Specifically this includes:
Any child/student that is found to be in violation of any of the above listed rules, may be asked to leave the camp on a suspension and/or terminated of enrollment. No refunds will be issued.
If your child/student needs to be disciplined acceptable measures may include; a verbal warning, time-out from activity, removal from activity and placed with staff away from group, suspension from camp, and/or removal from camp depending on the severity of the situation.
FORBIDDEN DISCIPLINE ACTIONS: (As stated by the licensing code of Maryland)Physical punishment, striking a child, roughly handling or shaking a child, restricting movement through binding or tying, forcing a child to assume an uncomfortable position, or exercise as punishment; enclosure in a small confined space; punishment by another child; separation from the group so that the child is away from the hearing and vision of a staff member; withholding or forcing of food or rest; verbal remarks which are demeaning to the child; punishment for toileting accidents; and punishment by applying unpleasant or harmful substances.
In order to promote your child’s physical, intellectual, emotional, and social well-being and growth, staff shall interact with the child and one another to provide needed help, comfort, and support and:
Behavioral guidance will be constructive in nature, age and stage appropriate, and will be intended to redirect children to appropriate behavior and resolve conflicts. Parents will be notified when persistent behavioral problems are identified and will include any disciplinary steps taken in response.
Good behavior will be encouraged in a positive manner. The staff will work cooperatively with parents, keeping them informed of behavior problems and methods used to teach and guide them toward socially acceptable behavior. Behavior problems that cannot be resolved cooperatively will result in your child’s dismissal from the aftercare and summer camp program. Certain abusive behaviors will result in immediate dismissal.
If your child has been receiving assistance in behavior management during the school year, it is imperative that this information be shared with the staff members. This will enable us to work more effectively and productively with your child.
Magic Minds reserves the right to terminate your child’s enrollment with or without refund if the staff deems in the best interest and/or safety of the child/student, other child/students, parents or staff. If a child’s camp enrollment termination is deemed necessary by Magic Minds staff parents will be informed of reasons for termination of services.
A copy of the calendar was provided to each registered child/students’ parent/guardian. Please see director's secretary if one is needed. In case of rain, a field trip may be changed or cancelled. You will have the option for your child not to attend field trips or special events. Parents are always welcome and encouraged to attend our field trips.
Chaperones are encouraged to go on all field trips, at their expense. A list of trips and cost can be obtained from the on-site director. For some trips, chaperones may be asked to supervise a group of children for the trip, at their discretion.
“Safety before fun” is the motto of Magic Minds. When going on an off-campus trip, staff members must put the safety of the child/students before any approved activity can begin. The following safety guidelines will be followed in accordance with all DMDH, BCPSS, and Magic Minds Safety standards:
The following materials must always be taken on an offsite activity:
Outdoor play is an important part of our daily camp schedule. Parents are asked to dress their children appropriately for the weather conditions. A light sweater or jacket may be needed in the mornings.
During periods of extreme heat (Code Red), the staff members will scale down the physical camp activities. Child/students will not be able to be outside for more than 15-20 minutes at a time. Indoor facilities will be utilized by programming more crafts and low-activity events or activities. The staff will take children inside to increase their water intake on these days. All precautions will be taken to prevent heat related injuries during these times.
Every day Magic Minds Aftercare and summer camp will be in compliance with all local fire and safety code requirements, as prescribed by State and County regulations including having an evacuation plan posted. Evacuation plans are posted in each classroom.
To provide an early alert to fire, fire alarms are located in all BCPSS facilities Magic Minds Directors are aware of their locations in the event of an emergency. An emergency evacuation drill will be conducted on the first day of each camp.
A minimum of one staff for every 15 child/students will be on duty to provide supervision at all onsite activities.
Parents will be expected to sign their children in at the beginning of the program day and sign them out at the end of the day to ensure optimum security.
Facility and equipment inspections will occur in the morning and the afternoon each day for optimum safety. This inspection includes checking to see that soap and toilet paper are available in all bathroom facilities
Confidential Health information and emergency contact records will be maintained on site for all child/students, staff, and volunteers.
To minimize risks that might result in injury, every safety precaution will be taken when implementing an activity including giving verbal instructions and precautions, having staff keep alert for potential hazards, and having a First Aid kit on site.
Protective gloves will be used when providing first aid care to avoid the possibility of contamination.
All precautions will be taken to prevent serious health risks to all child/students. In the event that a minor injury occurs, First Aid will be administered at the camp location by the staff members. The following procedures will be followed:
First Aid will be provided and the incident recorded in the camp log.
The child will periodically be observed after First Aid has been applied.
In the event of a medical emergency, immediate action will be taken by the staff as per your orders on the camp registration form and policies and waivers. Please be sure to keep these forms updated at all times. If parents or other responsible adults are unable to be reached, the child will be taken to the nearest hospital for any necessary treatment.
In general, in the event that a major injury or health problem arises and professional medical care is required, the following steps will be taken:
Immediate First Aid will be administered by the staff members person until professional services arrive.
You will be contacted. If you cannot be reached, the emergency contact person will be notified.
911 will be called.
A staff person will accompany your child to the hospital and remain until you or your emergency contact person arrives.
The incident will be described in writing on the Magic Minds incident report.
Children must be healthy enough to participate in the program’s daily routine. We do not have the facilities to care for sick children and therefore do not allow them to attend the program. For the safety and comfort of your child, please keep them home until they feel better and no longer present the danger of passing on their illness.
If you are keeping your child home due to illness, please contact the camp by 9:00am and let the staff know of your child's absence. When your child has a fever (fever of 101) or vomiting/diarrhea, please make sure they remain at home 24 hours after their temperature and symptoms returns to normal. We may require a physician’s release for any medical or health condition. If your child becomes ill while at the center, you will be asked to pick up your child as soon as possible.
The following are defined as illness or communicable health problems:
NOTE: In the case that your child becomes ill during the program, you will be contacted as soon as possible. If the parent or guardian is unable to be reached, the child’s emergency contact will be notified. It is the responsibility of the parents to arrange for the child to be picked up from the center as soon as possible.
For the safety and health of child/students, JCs and staff, Health & Information forms must be on file at camp. Child/students, JCs and staff are required to bring health forms on the first day of service.
Health information is confidential and only for use by staff.
Health forms will be carried wherever the students/campers go (i.e., the pool and on field trips).
Prescribed medication should be administered by the parent at home. If medication is absolutely necessary for a child/student, the parent must have a prescription authorization form on file at camp. Only the director is authorized to administer medication.
Staff must follow the same policy as child/students, and take medication at home, if at all possible. If this is not possible and if you are under the age of 18, you must bring a completed prescription authorization form to have the director administer your medication in the same way as for child/students. The instructions on the prescription authorization form must be carefully followed.
All medications are to be locked in the medication box for safekeeping, whether or not you are under the age of 18, and only the Director may open this box.
Medications that require refrigeration cannot be stored at the campsite as refrigeration cannot be guaranteed.
Magic Minds has a designated First Aid area where child/students or staff can go to receive first aid.
Magic Minds has a well-stocked First Aid kit containing the necessary supplies to properly treat minor injuries. The Director must maintain adequate first aid supplies at all times.
Parents must be well informed of health-related situations. As a general rule, an injury to the head, face, neck, or back or anything else that is at all serious requires a call to the parent. Protective gloves must be used at all times when applying first aid.
Staff should routinely observe child/students for behavior, activity level, or any other changes in their physical condition that may indicate an emerging medical problem. If a child/student needs to be taken to the hospital, the Director or Assistant Director must accompany him/her.
Staff members must refrain from responding to medical questions from parents or others since the correct answer is not possible without a proper medical examination.
All incidents will be documented in the camp health log as well as an incident report will be written.
Emergency information is very important for us to provide the safest possible environment for your children.
NOTE: Please notify us right away when there is a new work or home phone number, or if you have moved and have a new address. If your child is sick or injured, it is important for us to be able to contact you right away. Please keep these accurate at all times.
Our medication policy is primarily established to accommodate the administration of medications(s) commonly prescribed by physicians for the treatment of short-term illnesses. Prescription and "over-the-counter" medications will not be dispensed without written consent from the child’s parent.
Complete the medication authorization form included in your camp registration packet.
Keep all medication in the original container with the prescription label / direction label attached. Medication must be labeled with the child’s name, the name of medication, the dosage amount, and the time or times to be given.
Hand all medication (including inhalers, etc.) to the camp counselor. Child/students are not allowed to keep medications on their person, in their backpacks or lunch bags.
All medications will be locked up and given to your child at the prescribed time.
(as stated in Employee Manual)
On designated swim or waterpark days, child/students SHOULD NOT wear swim clothing to camp. Clothing should be sent in a secure bag (bookbag, swim bag) with all items LABELED!
Please send your child to camp with a swimsuit and towel. Children will be swim tested at the beginning of each session and grouped accordingly. Day staff members, as well as certified lifeguards, will supervise all pool times.
Expectation for Staff
While at the pool, the Director and staff are expected to work under the direction of the Pool Manager. Full cooperation and coordination will provide the best environment for the child/students.
Staff are on duty at all times while at the pool. It is required that there is one designated watcher for every 25 swimmers or fewer, and this means that the responsibility of the staff members is to support the efforts of the lifeguards.
The Director will rotate staff to watch at designated spots around the pool deck and in the water for optimum child/student safety. In other words, pool time is not a lunch break or for general socialization with other staff.
Any injury or accident must be reported to the Pool Manager immediately, and an injury/illness report must be prepared.
Pool Attendance Procedures
It is critical to take attendance when leaving the camp site to go swimming (or for any offsite activity).
At the pool, taking a head count is a good idea to double check that the same number of child/students are getting off the bus that got on.
At the end of swim, roll call should be taken as the child/students board the bus to be sure that the child/students that came to the pool are returning. It is essential to be sure that no extra child/students are on the bus or have been substituted for one of yours.
Child/students will wear neon-colored wrist bands to identify them to Magic Minds Summer Camp.
Swim Safety Rules
The Swim Safety Rules listed below have been included in the parent packet that was sent to every child/student. Staff should review these rules with child/students before going to the pool, enforce them at the pool, and consistently model them.
Before you leave for the pool, change into your swim suit (i.e., cutoffs, shorts or underwear are not allowed).
Bring your belongings to the Director for safekeeping. Do not leave belongings in the changing room.
You are expected to always listen to and follow the directions of the camp and pool staff and any PA announcements.
You may not run in the area around the pool, push others into the pool, or take part in horseplay that might result in injury.
On the first swim day of each session, a swim test will be given to determine whether or not you need to remain in shallow water.
For your safety a buddy system may be used at the pool, at which time you will be paired with a buddy whose swimming ability is similar.
Once you are given the signal to enter the pool, you must remain reasonably close to your buddy while in the water.
You are to look out for your buddy, and call for help if he or she is having trouble in the water.
If you or your buddy wants to leave the pool, the other buddy must also leave the water at the same time.
If you lose track of your buddy, you may have to get out of the pool until your buddy is located.
Pool Procedures
Child/students must be kept together and admitted to the pool as a group. The Directors will check in with the pool cashier, and sign the camp in with the number of swimmers. Once admitted, the child/students should prepare for swimming. The Director should go to an area of his/her choice and have child/students deposit their belongings nearby while they swim. The Director is then responsible for the child/students’ belongings.
On the first swim day of each session, lifeguards will conduct a swimming test to determine each child/student’s level of ability prior to participating in water activities. The result of this test will determine which pool may beused. Staff must ensure that child/students only swim in the pool for which they have qualified.
The Director, with the help of pool staff, will then pair each child/student with a buddy of similar swimming ability.
Staff is on duty during the entire swim time.
Staff is expected to participate in the swim activities and be aware of non-swimmers, encourage their efforts to swim, and help monitor their safety.
The Director must assign all staff to specific roles to ensure that they are engaged with the child/students in the pool or as designated watchers (DW) assigned to specific places on the deck.
The designated watcher should be alert to child/students both in the pool and on the deck area. They should be prepared to assist the lifeguards, monitor water play, ensure appropriate behaviors of child/students that are in and around the pool, and attend to any other matters involving safety and conduct.
When the Pool Manager requests assistance in supervising the deck or grass areas, checking the locker rooms, monitoring the water slide or diving equipment, staff is expected to cooperate.
Procedures at “End of Swimming”
Approximately 15 minutes before the end of the swim period, the Pool Manager will call child/students out of the water, and they will be expected to exit immediately.
The child/students should pick up their belongings from the Director, and go to the locker rooms to change as quickly as possible. Staff is expected to monitor the child/students in the locker rooms.
When everyone has changed, staff must escort child/students to the bus, and take attendance.
Staff must again check the entire facility to be sure that child/students have all of their belongings.
Pool Safety Plan
The following Pool Safety Plan will be in effect for both onsite and offsite swim activities.
A certified pool operator will maintain the pool to ensure optimum safety and use.
One certified lifeguard will be on duty for every 50 child/students, staff and volunteers using the pool.
One staff will be on duty as a designated watcher at the side of the pool for every 25 child/students, staff and volunteers using the pool.
The overall ratio of one staff on duty for every 10 child/students will be in effect during a swimming activity.
Child/students will be given a swim test to determine swimming ability before being allowed in the pool. Non-swimmers or poor swimmers will be restricted to shallow water during a swimming activity.
The swim safety rules will be discussed before child/students enter the swimming pool.
The Swim Safety procedures as set down in this Manual will be followed.
(as stated in Employee Manual)
Is transportation provided according to applicable State laws?
All transportation companies used adhere to all State Laws.
What are the transportation safety rules, standards and practices?
Go directly to a seat. Remain seated and facing forward for the entire ride.
Talk quietly (so the driver will not be distracted).
If you need to talk to the bus driver: wait for the bus to stop, raise your hand, and call the driver's name.
Never throw things on the bus or out the windows. Never play with the emergency exits.
Keep the aisles clear at all times.
If there is an emergency, listen to the driver and follow instructions.
What are the supervision requirements during transportation?
The child/student to staff member ratio is 1:15
What are the emergency transportation services should the need arise?
All emergency transportation services have been arranged through Fleming Bus Company.
What are the severe weather procedures while being transported?
If severe weather arises, child/students will stay on mode of transportation unless instructed otherwise by certified bus driver.
What safety equipment is provided and used?
Buses used meet State standards.
Is the driver an adult?
All drivers are adults.
Is the driver licensed according to applicable State law?
All drivers are licensed according to State laws.
The number of occupants in the vehicle may not exceed the vehicle manufacturer’s seating capacity. How will the camp operator ensure that this will be followed?
Magic Minds Aftercare and summer camp will follow explicitly all instructions of bus companies used for transportation purposes.
How will camp obtain written authorization from a child/student’s parent or guardian for the child/student to be transported?
An authorization for all trips was completed by each parent/guardian on the registration packet.
How is vehicular traffic controlled on the campsite?
All motorists are encouraged to follow and obey all traffic signs.
When there are 10 or more child/students in a vehicle, how will camp ensure that in addition to the driver that there is another assistant counselor or adult on duty and supervising the child/students?
Magic Minds will never transport child/students in personal vehicles (cars, vans, etc).
How will the camp operator ensure that staff members and volunteers understand that child/students are not to be transported in non-passenger vehicles, an individual’s care without obtaining written authorization from the child/student’s parent or guardian and the owner of the vehicle?
Staff members were trained on transportation and it is stated in the handbook.
If camp provides transportation to camp, from camp or to and from camp include the answers to the following questions in your transportation safety plan:
Is the director available for consultation?
Yes, the Directors are available.
How will camp obtain a written agreement from the child/student’s parent or guardian concerning the parent’s or guardian’s responsibility for supervising a child/student before the child/student is picked up and after the child/student is dropped off?
All child/student’s must be signed-in and signed out each day. When signing-out, parents/guardians will receive a pass that enables them to pick up their camp. The child/student will not be released unless signed pass is issued.
(as stated in Employee Manual)
When severe weather or other emergencies happen where do child/students go to be safe?
The Directors will give a daily weather report to both staff and child/students. If severe weather occurs, child/students will be moved into an enclosed location (building, structure, ie) until weather/storm has passes.
How would child/students and staff members evacuate the camp? (i.e. buses)
In the event of a camp evacuation, staff and child/students will exit the building (at least 75ft) to a location across the street from facility. For emergencies such as bomb threats, gas leaks, etc, child/students will be moved 600ft to Mercy High School field. If additional distance is needed in the form of transportation, Fleming Bus Co. is on standby to service our needs for all emergencies.
Where would everyone go?
For emergencies such as bomb threats, gas leaks, etc, child/students will be moved 600ft to Mercy High School field. If additional distance is needed in the form of transportation, Fleming Bus Co. is on standby to service our needs for all emergencies.
How do you account for all child/students? (i.e. daily roster for whole camp, hourly attendance monitoring, daily roster for each group, buddy system)
A daily roster will be called by staff member assigned to group.
What are the procedures your staff members follow for locating a missing child/student?
Determine when and where the child/student was last seen. Stay calm so you don’t frighten the other child/students.
Discover (if possible) the state of mind of the child/student. Was she depressed or angry, threatening to run away? Did he fall behind on a hike, or leave to visit a friend in another unit? A child/student who does not wish to be found will require a wider and more careful search.
Do a search of the immediate area with available staff. (The child/student may have wandered to the edge of the activity.) Ask nearby child/students and staff if they have seen or know where the child/student is. Before leaving the rest of the group to find a child/student, see that they are supervised by another staff member.
Check any known accomplices (friends, staff, etc.).
Check bathrooms, classrooms, hallways, playground, etc.
Contact the Director or other administrative personnel about the situation. Include the name of the missing child/student, when and where last seen, description of child: hair, eyes, weight, height, and, as close as possible, clothing. The Director will organize an extended search. If the child/student is not found in 20 minutes, the child/student will be presumed lost. The Director will institute a public search that will include contacting the local police department, camp office, and child/student’s parents.
Do not ignore the remaining child/students. Be calm and positive. Acknowledge their fears and move on to some activity.
Complete an incident report and any other reports requested.
For each group of child/students, the operator must have a minimum of two staff present. At least one staff member must be an adult. In the event of an emergency, who remains with an injured child/student and who summons emergency assistance?
In the event of a injury, a youth worker will notify the Director’s and the adult staff member will stay with the injured child/student.
Where is a phone that can be used to dial 911 located?
A landline phone is located in the main office of the building, All site-coordinators are required to carry their phones at all times.
Do senior staff members have cell phones or radios?
All staff members have cell phones. All staff members are in a group chat with all cell phone numbers.
Who is responsible for calling 911?
The directors, site-coordinators, or “in charge” adult staff member is assigned with calling 911.
How do you contact emergency services if the telephone is not working?
Cell phones are always charged. If not available, the nearest landline phone is used.
What is available for transporting child/students and staff members in an emergency?
All bus transportation stays with the group on assigned field trip days.
How would you notify parents of what is happening at camp regarding an emergency?
Parents are notified via phone and email using the information from the Emergency Contact sheets on child/students registration form. Magic Minds Aftercare and summer campuses an online resource called Constant Contact with all camp emails on one database. An email can be sent to all camp families within 3 minutes. For larger emergencies, parents are located by the following:
Radio Announcement
An announcement with instructions will be placed on the following radio stations to notify parents: WMAL-AM (630) WTOP-AM (1500), WERQ(92.3) and local television stations if available.
How does the camp receive emergency communication?
All emergency contact information is gathered from the registration application.
Where would parents pick up the child/students if camp needed to be evacuated?
Parents will pick up child/students from designated emergency pick-up point outlined in parent communication via phone/email or radio/television announcement.
When are drills in the emergency procedures practiced with child/students?
Drills are required at the beginning of each session or anytime new child/students are added.
Do you have a form to document the date, time, and outcome of each practice drill?
A data form for drill time and practice is kept in the Magic Minds Aftercare and Summer Camp Binder.
You are always welcome in the program either on an on-going or isolated basis to share special interests or expertise. Please contact the camp office to volunteer your services. Parents of enrolled children may make unannounced visits at anytime.
All custodial parents have the right to enter the day camp (center) at any time. We request, however, that visits of a lengthy nature are scheduled with the Director ahead of time in order to avoid having too many people in the room at one time. Visitors other than parents are welcome to visit, but should make an appointment with the Director ahead of time.
We would also like to invite all the parents to attend special events and shows put on by the children each session.
The goal of our program is to include students of all backgrounds and abilities. We strive to meet all students at their natural levels and help them to make progress academically and socially. We further, promise, to honor all individual education plans and 504 plans, where applicable.
Magic Minds is open to the enrollment of students at various levels of the developmental spectrum, including those with physical, communication or cognition differences. The following attributes are present in the program’s day-to-day logistics:
The organization maintains a responsive environment that allows all students to access academic, recreational and social activities. Activities, on-site and off-site, render themselves to the current population and allow ALL students to participate in ALL activities. The registration application requires parents to list specific needs and additional support for each child, and the organization makes on-site preparations based on the needs of the children enrolled.
The daily schedule has room for adjusted so that there is time for frequent breaks and chunked assignments versus extended academic work time.
Definitions. In this section, the following terms have the meanings indicated:
An occasional exception to the weekly passive technology viewing limit set forth in B(3) of this regulation may be made for a special event or project, including a holiday or birthday celebration, or for educational content that is related to the family child care home’s curriculum.
If an exception to the weekly passive technology viewing limit is made, a written record of the exception shall be made and retained on file that documents the:
Nature and duration of the programming viewed; and
Reason for the exception.
No child may be permitted to view any:
Passive or interactive technology during a meal or snack; or
Media with brand placement or advertising for unhealthy or sugary food or beverages.
The provider shall give the parent of each enrolled child a written screen time policy that addresses the use of passive and interactive technology during child care hours.
This concludes the Parent Information Manual. Your signature on the registration application verifies that you understand the policies and procedures outlined in this manual.
Any questions can be forwarded to the directors at 443-927-8777.
Copyright © Magic Minds, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
phone: 443-927-8777 fax:1(888) 627-0686